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Western University Staff
Apr 15, 2018
Ben Owens incorporates technology seamlessly into physics and mathematics instruction at Tri County Early College, empowering students to take control of their learning.
Ben Owens, a teacher at Tri County Early College, adeptly integrates technology into his physics and mathematics classes, allowing students to use tools such as Pasco probeware and iPads to enhance their learning experience. He emphasizes the thoughtful incorporation of technology to enrich and transform the learning process, fostering a culture of autonomy and a "whatever it takes to succeed" mindset among students. By encouraging student contributions of tech tools and resources and utilizing platforms like Google add-ons and extension tools, Owens creates a student-centered and controlled learning environment that promotes inquiry, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
His approach combines hands-on and visual learning with relevant tech tools, ultimately aiming to empower students and deepen their understanding of complex mathematical and scientific concepts. Additionally, Owens recommends various books, websites, and tech tools to enhance the learning experience, and he was honored with the Distinguished Teaching Award in STEM Education by The North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research.