Powerful PBL
Bringing Project-Based Learning to the next level
OWL is proud of its work to help schools create conditions where learner-centered strategies can thrive, including High Quality Project-Based Learning that cultivates in-demand skills for students, while allowing them to have real impacts on their own communities. OWL's focus on the cultural elements that create the conditions for HQPBL and other learner-centered practices to flourish increases the chances that they will be sustained, then scaled by local champions who inspire and mentor their colleagues.
>Working with a cohort of over 90 teachers in New Mexico to help them embed HQPBL in their classrooms through a combination of hands-on workshops, individual and small group co-design, as well as supporting their administrators to "clear the path" for these sorts of shifts to take root in their schools.
>Working with a North Carolina district to create "Profession-Based Learning" opportunities by guiding the collaboration between K-12, community college, and local employers to create projects where students can help solve on authentic problems in local workplaces.
>Bringing Project Based Learning to two "alternative schools" in different rural districts in North Carolina that historically serve students who have faced challenges in traditional settings.
We will learn about your context and needs
We will co-design a customized roadmap
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